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If you’re keen to find out what we’re up to, then you’ve come to the right place! Find out when new products are released and see our delicious recipes. We’re nuts about sharing as much as we can, so keep an eye out for our latest updates. Explore our different categories: Recipes, Events, Health Benefits and News – learn the tips and tricks and you can become a nutty expert like us!

Almond stir fry
You cant go wrong with this yummy stir fry its packed with nutrition and full of amazing flavours!

Chocolate chia pudding
This yummy chocolate pudding is super easy to make and tastes amazing! Its perfect for a dessert or for a treat on the weekend.

Tempeh Pistachio Rollatini
Aubergine rolls filled with creamy pistachio tempeh baked with homemade tomato sauce, topped with vegan parmesan & mozzarella and parsley. Great for lunch or dinner!

Vegan chocolate brownie with mini eggs
These fudgy mini egg vegan brownies with crackled top is the only chocolate vegan dessert you’ll need this Easter! Surprise your family with an indulgent brownie that they'll won't easily forget.

Roast potato salad
Potato salad is truly as easy as boiling water and tossing in a few key ingredients. Just stick to this simple formula and lean on this flavorful dressing every time you need to whip one up.

Swiss roll - Happy Mother's Day!
Rich and totally irresistible, this dessert is for sweet lovers everywhere. Follow this carefully explained step-by-step recipe to surprise your mother with this lovely dessert!

Vegan chocolate tart with raspberries
A slice of this rich, vegan chocolate tart with raspberries is the perfect way to end any meal.

Tropical green smoothie bowl
Do you struggle to fit in your five a day? This smoothie is perfect for you it packed with over 5 fruits and has delicious flavours giving you all the right nutrition's to have energy...

Help Us Stock Up London’s Food Banks
As the autumn is in full swing and the days are getting shorter, we realise that this half of the year can be harder for some than it is for others. Therefore, we have decided...

Happy World Pistachio Day! NEW Strawberry Pistachio Butter
Our premium strawberry pistachio butter is a spread made from 60% pistachio nuts and 7% dried strawberries and it’s available in smooth consistency. With no added sugar, oil or salt, the nuts are roasted, then ground to...

NEW Cherry Almond Butter! Happy National Almond Day!
Our premium cherry almond butter is a spread made from 88% almond nuts and 7% dried cherries and it’s available in smooth consistency. With no added sugar, oil or salt, the nuts are roasted, then ground to...

NEW Year... NEW FLAVOUR! Blueberry Cashew Butter
Our premium blueberry cashew butter is a spread made from 87% cashew nuts and 7.2% dried blueberries and it’s available in smooth consistency. With no added sugar, oil or salt, the nuts are roasted, then ground to...

We are creating a fresh approach to the Christmas season with contemporary combinations of natural flavours! Let us introduce you ourTHREE NEW NUT BUTTERS Gingerbread Crunchy Almond Butter! This crunchy Gingerbread Almond Butter is mind-blowingly good....

NEW Product Alert - CASHEW BUTTER!
Our premium cashew butter is a spread made from 100% cashew nuts and it’s available in crunchy and smooth consistency. With no added sugar, oil or salt, the nuts are roasted, then ground to produce...

NEW Product Alert - ALMOND BUTTER!
Our premium almond butter is a spread made from 100% almonds and it’s available in crunchy and smooth consistency. With no added sugar, oil or salt, the nuts are roasted and blended in small batches...

Here is some big news to make your weekend a bit more exciting… please let us introduce you to our brand new limited edition: PUMPKIN SPICE PISTACHIO BUTTER! It has the warm creamy taste of...

Natural & Organic Products Europe 2022
Borna Foods was at the Natural & Organic Products Europe 2022 this week, and we loved sharing our new vegan chocolate spread, as well as our core product range, with so many different businesses and...

IFE 2022 - Excel
We had an amazing time at the IFE - International Food & Drink Event! It was great to meet so many different businesses and customers, and everyone seemed to love our new vegan chocolate spread!

ANUGA 2021 - October 2021 - Cologne Germany
Yesterday was the last day of ANUGA in Cologne, the world’s leading industry meeting place for the food and beverage industry. We were all very excited to take part in the long-missed in person trade...

Whatever you drink, drink a good one! WFIA2020
Our range of pistachio drinks, that are truly unique and new to the market, has won the World Food Innovation Award in the Best Drink Concept category! So, what is World Food Innovation Award? The...

lunch! show 2019 - September 2019, ExCel, London
Last week we were headed over to ExCel London for lunch! 2019 show feeling pumped and ready for the next couple of busy days ahead of us. With over 400 hand-picked exhibitors including Borna Foods, inspiring education, an...

The Great British Food and Drink Meet The Buyer Event - June 2019, Prague
Last week I (Gemma) had the pleasure of attending The Great British Food and Drink Meet The Buyer Event in the Czech Republic. This event, organised by the British Chamber of Commerce in Prague, brought together a variety of...

Natural & Organic Products Europe April 2019, London
This week we were headed over to ExCel London for the Natural & Organic Products Europe 2019 feeling pumped and ready for the next couple of busy days ahead of us. Natural & Organic Products Europe is the industry event...

International Food & Drink Event - March 2019, London
Just a couple of days ago, the Borna team attended the International Food & Drink Event 2019 in London, ExCel. The trade show, which led you to journey through the senses as you see, taste, smell...

Why Choose Pistachio Drink Over Other Plant-Based Milk Alternatives?
Borna Foods Premium Pistachio Drink is unique in the market – available in Lightly Sweetened and Unsweetened handy half-litre packs (shelf-friendly and fridge-friendly!) it is the first and only 100% natural pistachio milk alternative!

Where Do You Get Your Protein?
We hear a LOT about protein these days, from powders, bars and vegan proteins in the supermarket, where do you get yours and why do you need it? Why do we need it? Proteins are essential for the function of...

Back To School - Healthy Lunch Boxes
Children are back to school already, and the pressure is on for their parents to come up with delicious and healthy snacks to include in their children’s lunch boxes. Did you know that our pistachio...

Why Include Pistachios On Your Christmas Table?
Everyone knows that the following weeks will be packed with many gastronomic meetings with your friends, family or colleagues. Therefore, Christmas holiday weight gain is a common concern for many adults since they will most...

Are Our Pistachio Products Suitable for Children?
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is recommending introducing tree nuts into babies’ diet them early. If you have no family history of allergies, pistachio products can be given to your baby as soon as...

♥ Reasons to Try Pistachio Drink ♥
By now, you’ve surely heard that the demand for dairy milk has nearly come to an end as people now prefer vegan drinks such as soy, coconut, and almond milk and from now – pistachio drink....

Exam Diet: Can Pistachios Improve Your Study Performance?
For those who are trying to hit the books but just can’t seem to retain any information. Or perhaps you have a very loooong paper due in three days and a lack of motivation is...

Go Nuts at Work Or Why Eat Pistachios at Work?
On average, a person spends at least one-third of their day at work, even though it feels like the entire lifetime… From the hours staring at a computer screen to the near temptation of treats...