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Help Us Stock Up London’s Food Banks
As the autumn is in full swing and the days are getting shorter, we realise that this half of the year can be harder for some than it is for others. Therefore, we have decided...

Happy World Pistachio Day! NEW Strawberry Pistachio Butter
Our premium strawberry pistachio butter is a spread made from 60% pistachio nuts and 7% dried strawberries and it’s available in smooth consistency. With no added sugar, oil or salt, the nuts are roasted, then ground to...

NEW Cherry Almond Butter! Happy National Almond Day!
Our premium cherry almond butter is a spread made from 88% almond nuts and 7% dried cherries and it’s available in smooth consistency. With no added sugar, oil or salt, the nuts are roasted, then ground to...

NEW Year... NEW FLAVOUR! Blueberry Cashew Butter
Our premium blueberry cashew butter is a spread made from 87% cashew nuts and 7.2% dried blueberries and it’s available in smooth consistency. With no added sugar, oil or salt, the nuts are roasted, then ground to...

We are creating a fresh approach to the Christmas season with contemporary combinations of natural flavours! Let us introduce you ourTHREE NEW NUT BUTTERS Gingerbread Crunchy Almond Butter! This crunchy Gingerbread Almond Butter is mind-blowingly good....

NEW Product Alert - CASHEW BUTTER!
Our premium cashew butter is a spread made from 100% cashew nuts and it’s available in crunchy and smooth consistency. With no added sugar, oil or salt, the nuts are roasted, then ground to produce...

NEW Product Alert - ALMOND BUTTER!
Our premium almond butter is a spread made from 100% almonds and it’s available in crunchy and smooth consistency. With no added sugar, oil or salt, the nuts are roasted and blended in small batches...

Here is some big news to make your weekend a bit more exciting… please let us introduce you to our brand new limited edition: PUMPKIN SPICE PISTACHIO BUTTER! It has the warm creamy taste of...