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Pistachio & cacao banana bread - healthy vegan
This chocolate banana bread is super easy and super rewarding to make! Indulge in a mega fudgy, vegan, gluten-free bread that’s perfect to make if you need to feed a lot of people quickly, or...

Chia Pudding Topped with Seedy-Kick Pistachio Butter
Just because it’s called chia pudding doesn’t mean you can only eat it after dinner, this pudding can be eaten for breakfast or after a hardcore workout. Did you know chia seeds are a source...

Vegan pancakes with coconut pistachio butter
This serves 2 people or one hungry person and is super quick and easy!

Cocao truffles recipe - no refined sugar - vegan
Dare I say that these cocao truffles are much better than your average box of chocolate?! Yes, they are! They’re the ultimate Indulgent and will kick your chocolate craving in the butt. To make things even better...

Baked peaches with cashew cream
You can’t beat having a juicy baked peach on a boiling hot summers day! This recipe has you drizzling agave syrup on the peaches before baking them, which will result in them turning into caramelised slices...

Vegan baklava recipe - Happy Eid!
Happy Eid! A baklava that will blow your mind and taste buds.

BBQ vegan salad with pistachio pesto recipe
This BBQ Vegan Salad drizzled with Pistachio Pesto recipe is so easy and looks amazing, the longest part of this recipe is the chopping and the shortest? you eating it. The UK is becoming real...

Vegan mini burgers - the perfect pistachio patties
The star of our office nibbles are these fabulous mini vegan burgers. We can’t keep our hands off these super delicious pistachio patties in a fluffy pistachio bun with avocado, hummus, and tomato chilli dressing. They’re the...